Key Influencer – Jason Hale – Deputy Minister Agriculture and Irrigation


Jason Hale is a former MLA who represented the electoral district of Strathmore-Brooks between 2012 and 2015. He was part of the Wildrose Party when Danielle Smith was leader and participated in the mass floor crossing of Wildrose MLAs to join the Progressive Conservative government in December 2014.  As an MLA, Hale served on three legislative committees and was the opposition critic for Energy.  He did not seek re-election in 2015 and was succeeded by Derek Fildebrandt.

Hale was born and raised near Bassano, Alberta. He holds a Chemical Technology diploma from SAIT and worked as a consultant in the oil and gas industry before his entry into politics. His list of accomplishments includes his 10 years of experience as a professional bull fighter, his service on numerous boards, and his over 30 years experience as a cattle rancher. Hale recently resigned from the Eastern Irrigation District where he was a member since 2017 and served as chair since 2020.

Jason Hale was appointed as Deputy Minister of the renamed ‘Agriculture and Irrigation’ department. Premier Smith announced that the change puts at the forefront of the ag ministry’s work. The department has mandate to develop new water systems.


So, You Might Be an Elected Lobbyist


At a Glance - November 1, 2022